Friday 5 February 2016

How To Remove Shortcut Virus From Pendrive/PC (Updated)    2016

                                           HELOO   EVERYONE

Todays As per as we use our pen-drives and other Hard drive in our 
Pc/Laptops.We face some shortcuts which harm our files. So The questions arises That from where that shortcuts Comes? And after all The main question that we dont know that How To Remove Shortcut Virus From Pendrives or PC.
What Is Shortcut Virus ?
shortcut virus is a virus (a malware) that hides your original files inside shortcuts.The way it hides the file remains unknown though the effect is quite visible. The original files are there in the drive itself, but in such a position that you can’t recognize it nor take it out. Shortcut Virus Sometimes delete your important data.
Initially, it doesn’t harms your files but later on, it may make them corrupt or even delete all the files; depends on the type of shortcut virus

#Remove Shortcut Virus From Pendrive/PC Using CMD/Command Prompt.
1.Go to Start Type "Run" > Type "CMD"> Open Command Prompt in Administrative Mode.
2.A black Color of window is open infront of you.
3.Type in Command prompt :  attrib -h -r -s /s /d <Your USB drive letter>:\*.*(See <Your USB drive letter> from My computer and then type it For ex, if your drive letter is “D” then the command is like: ” attrib -h -r -s /s /d D:\*.* “)

To know about this command Type ” attrib /? ” In CMD can know more about it.
By this simple method you can Remove shortcuts from your pendrives/pc.

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